Monday, September 29, 2008

Arrivederci Roma!

We have had 4 fabulous days in Rome. The sheer grandeur, history and influence of this city have been awe-inspiring. We have seen the main antiquities but have had to walk by so many more spectacular sights than we can count. Places like the Trevi Fountain (picture attached) and the Spanish Steps were fun to visit but super crowded. Yesterday, we took the Hop On and Off bus around the city where we learned lots of fascinating historical details about Rome.

Weather has been superb, wine cheap and more than drinkable, food delicious and gelato to die for.

Julie wishfully window shopped at Prada, Gucci, Dior, Jimmy Choo, Bulgari etc.

Today, we head to the tranquility of the Tuscan countryside and anticipate doing some hiking. We've rented a car and will drive to Sienna and Volterra, and go to a vineyard.

All for now! Off to the train station.

By the way, we haven't killed each other yet and think we'll still be speaking by the time we return home!

Laura, Julie, Rhonda and Nat


Victor said...

Good shot of you guys by the fountain. Gord is already writing up an ad for the photo below the fountain, describing it as an "open-concept fixer upper".

Keep those pictures coming!

Unknown said...

The weather does look fabulous. It's 12 degrees and drizzly here - and for most of the week. Still wearing sandals though - right to the bitter end, brrrrr. Looking forward to the Turkish ladies weekend starting Fri night with Pat, Jackie, Maureen, Heidi and Carolyn. We'll buy some cheap Italian wine to toast you Laura. Yipee! Love Sam

data said...

Hi guys Rome looks beautiful, wish I was there with you guys. But Marc and I are watching Survivor and guess what Rhonda Marc won his $10.00 bucks back Michelle was the first one out...Africa is beautiful But not as beautiful as Rome..Jojo rouleau

Victor said...

I hope you guys are getting the news from Canada. Big news today: a few paragraphs of a 2003 speech by Stephen Harper to Commons urging Canada to send troops to Iraq was word-for-word identical to a speech given by former Australian PM (and Bush devotee) John Howard two days earlier.

Aside from missing news like this, you're not missing much in terms of weather. Basically it's rainy and miserable in Ottawa. Enjoy Tuscany!