Friday, September 26, 2008

Rome - After Glitch #2

Hi all.

Yesterday, we hopped on the "fast" train to Rome in Florence which was supposed to take 1 1/2 hrs. But...... a train ahead of us "broke" so we were delayed by an extra 5 hours! The upside was that we were highly entertained by our Italian seatmates and a Brit. Upon arriving, because we were so late, we took a taxi to the apartment instead of a bus. The ride was absolutely wild and all of us had our feet pressing on imaginary brakes at one time or another. Our driver assured us he was the best driver in Rome. We arrived safely to find that we are located in a cool area full of restaurants, bars, students and a gazillion other tourists. Another bummer was that Laura's friend Steffi took ill and wasn't able to join us here. She is missed.

Much of today was spent at the Vatican. There are many words to describe it and yet none at the same time. It is overwhelming. Everything is done in such a grand scale it boggles the mind. We have lots of pictures but will only attach a couple from today. We took a break from Vatican City and went for a very nice, authentic italian lunch. We filled ourselves with pasta, pizza, wine, beer and of course...gelato.

Tomorrow we will be heading to ancient Rome and we had a quick peek at it from the taxi, on the way to our apartment. Although our vision was a little blurred because we were going so fast, it is breathtaking. We will have lots more pictures to post!

FYI, you will notice that we are not posting any pictures today with any of us in them. These pictures were taken by Julie and I guess that we are not worthy enough to compete with Raphael and Michaelangelo. She has only one thing on her mind...

We are all doing great, and continuing to keep up with our steps. Although we are tired by the end of the day, it is great to be able to talk about our daily adventures and discuss our "favourite part of the day". We may, or may not share this list with you at the end of our trip.

Thanks for all of the comments. It is fun to share our excitement with you.
Take care
Ciao for now.

"The" Girls


Nicole Papineau said...

The Vatican. Wow! Wish I was there with you gals.

Nat, The boys miss you. Actually Asher misses Shadow...oh well some things never change.

Call home soon, we miss you!

Unknown said...

That sounds like quite the train ride, do they serve wine and beer to help you pass the time? Glad you had some entertainment. Gearing up for "Homecoming" weekend so will be avoiding campus and downtown. We'll let you know what the Monday headlines are. Hopefully there won't be anyone we know on the front page!! Sounds like you are having a fabulous time, wish I was there. Love Sammy

Victor said...

Laura, I've forwarded to you an e-mail that you sent me in April. You may wish to share it with "the girls" for comparison to the original.

I hope that during your time in Italy, the only pinches you feel are the legendary ones and not budgetary! Obama and McCain had their first debate last night, which probably left most Canadians wondering why our potential leaders are not able to speak as coherently -- although at least they got to a grade above Dubya.

We'll be sure to keep you posted on Canadian election progress, since it's probably not on the front pages of European papers.